Old Pain Elimination


There is an alternative to staying in pain, especially chronic pain. While pain is the body’s way of indicating something is not right within the physical body, typically a new injury or condition, chronic pain instead can often be the result of an old pain message emanating from within the unconscious mind that continues to run like a broken vinyl record.



OldPain2Go is a non-medical intervention created by Steven Blake. As a certified OldPain2Go Practitioner, I help people to get their body to recognize when it’s making pain messages that are no longer helpful. Using this effective methodology, they can now in turn live life relatively pain free.


The methodology works with the body’s internal “Pain Review System” in bringing the potential reasons or causes for the old pain messages into a level of conscious awareness. Often this can be based on events associated with the pain, one’s thought process, internal belief systems that continue to keep the pain going and too with one’s own value system.


Consider that one primary role of the unconscious mind is that of the “Protector” of the mind and body. At times in executing its role effectively it tends to hinge onto things of the past that have or could have hurt us. While that may have served us well at that point in time, its significance since then and in current time may in fact be no longer relevant.


Neuroscience Professor, Lorimer Moseley, was quoted as saying that if we keep running the brain neurons that produce pain, they get better at producing pain. They then become more and more sensitive and hence requite a smaller influence to produce pain. Consequently, consider that the brain now tries to protect you from something that does not need protecting. Hence the importance of eliminating old pain messages that run within these neurons.


The wondrous aspect of this methodology is that it gets the client’s conscious mind to connect with and communicate with their unconscious mind and in doing so, ascertain the relevance or non relevance of this “old pain message”. In doing so the next process is to recognise and acknowledge such, where necessary seek closure or harmony with the cause, all this towards now making it that old pain message redundant.


The end result of this process is clients walk away pain free and the body is now reset towards recognising and responding to any NEW pain messages as and when it arises. If you suffer from chronic pain and resonate with the above, contact Tony Ratnam for a chat to discuss your situation further, where a personalized session can be formulated specific to your situation.



Contact Details ;

Phone : +61 421 6858 66

Email : info@inneralignment.com.au

We encourage you to read our Questions And Answers section for more information.


Pain Explained

This video describes pain in both technical and simplistic terms. It demonstrates the theory that pain is there for a protective reason and he also states that the level of pain is deliberately made so intense that “you cannot do anything else”. He goes on to state that long term pain spreads, becomes more intense and you become more sensitive to it.


Disclaimer :

Tony Ratnam is not medically trained and therefore does not offer medical advice or diagnosis. You can ONLY access any of the services mentioned here if you have been diagnosed by a medical professional who has prescribed or suggested pain relief or pain management. This is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, assessment or treatment, and is simply a way of you accessing your own natural self-healing ability by talking to it. It does not rely on your belief system.